Реферат: Your Health and You


Your Health and You


Perhaps everyone has ever asked himself aquestion: 'Is my lifestyle healthy?'. If you ask 100 people the most popularanswer is most likely to be 'No'. Besides health freaks that want to live to bea hundred noone does much to improve their health or at least not to harm it. Imust confess that I do nothing about my health.

Some years ago most people used to keep fitby doing morning exercises. Now it has all gone. The greatest thing one can doin the morning is to rush to his kitchen to have a cup of coffee. Unaware thatcoffee harms his heart, of course. It has been estimated that more than 20% ofAmericans who are over 19 are smokers. This number must be even more forRussia. Passive smokers are uncountable. Extremely unhealthy food rose a guynamed McDonald to worldwide stardom. The multi-million fast-food business isbased on harming people's health. Computer games make people short-sighted.Moreover, they top the list of the most mentally dangerous things in the world.

I guess the state of people's health can bejudged by these examples. According to reliable sources, the trend of weaknessof people living in megapolises like Tokyo or New York is remarkably similar tothe trend of getting stronger in the 19th century. It reflectsreality hidden under shining covering. What does this fact tell us about?Humankind is steadily moving to new scientific discoveries. But at the sametime we're getting weaker, partly  because of the progress, partly because ofour lifestyle.

Here comes the question — how todistinguish between good and evil? Actually it is one of the most acute problemsfor the scientists to deal with. Actually the one who will find a universalformula of combining technical progress with healthy living can expect to beconsidered a legendary hero.


Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 2o1

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