Лекция: Упр.1. Определите функцию герундия в каждом из предложений и переведите предложения на русский язык.


  1. By operating as small cells, terrorists can increase their security and make it more difficult for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to identify them.
  2. The status of mission agreement lays out the rights, responsibilities and procedures for both signatories, with respect to the safety of the personnel in fulfilling the mission’s Security Council-authorized agreement.
  3. There will be calls for revenge, and vows of never allowing such a thing to recur.
  4. We had expected Hamas to respond to events in Egypt by trying to create a massive crisis with Israel.
  5. The regime has held on far longer than others expected and shows no inclination ofcapitulating.
  6. The Oct. 9 demonstration that turned violent and resulted in sectarian clashes with Muslims gave the government the opportunity to demonstrate its resolve and capability without directly engaging Islamist groups.
  7. The Saudis have been asking the US for some public action against Iran both to relieve the pressure on Riyadh and to make it clear that the US was committed to confronting Iran alongside the Saudis.
  8. All of this does not give us a final answer on the dynamics of the region and their interconnections, but it does give us a platform to begin re-evluating the regional process.
  9. Whereas Pakistan and North Korea needed only some 10 years to develop atomic bombs, Iran has had a nuclear programme for almost 3 years without producing a weapon.
  10. There were strong hints that the Israeli PM may hold a meeting with the Palestinian president in Moscow to restart the peace process and avoid becoming entrapped in another military campaign in the Palestinian territories, but the plan is now effectively derailed.
  11. Besides being more likely to want to leave for more pay elsewhere, workers with financial difficulties are also more likely to report being under stress at work and are typically less satisfied with their jobs.
  12. In Aceh[7], I met displaced persons being sheltered in the best buildings – Government houses and schools – instead of being left to fend for themselves on the margins of society.
  13. This should logically also be a larger objective of the UN, since the UN will in turn become more widely relevant by virtue of being more locally accessible.
  14. Neither the UN sanctions or supplementary unilateral sanctions have had the desired effect of convincing Iran to give up its nuclear activities.
  15. Speaking at a Headquarters press conference today, the United Nations Special Rapporteur (Специальный докладчик) said that the so-called “campaign for a drug free world” could actually result in violations of the right to health, as people who used drugs might not come forward to get the care they needed for fear of being arrested.
  16. International military forces are called on to further review their procedures aimed at preventing any incidental loss of civilian life in the carrying out of military operations, especially aerial attacks, and to promote transparency and accountability when dealing with Afghan civilians and communities.
  17. The Lib Dem leader knows there is no going back to the easy centre-left oppositionalism that many at this conference still want to see.
  18. Marconi’s politics may have been reprehensible but there is no denying the value of his invention.
  19. And far from bringing together the peoples of Europe, the organization is on the verge of collapse.
  20. Far from confirming the inevitability of the yuan's rise, China's uncertain effort to internationalise its currency has exposed the profound struggles that lie behind the country's push to transform its economic model.


Перевод герундия в его сочетании с выражениемFar from doing sth. не только не + личная форма глагола, но…; вместо того, чтобы + инфинитив; отнюдь не + деепричастие


Герундиальный оборот
  • Сочетание с герундием существительного в общем или притяжательном падеже, притяжательного местоимения или группы слов, которые являются субъектом действия, называется герундиальным оборотом.
  • Герундиальный оборот переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым словами то, что…; тот факт, что…; (с тем) чтобы…; после того, как…, что…
  • Пассивная форма герундиального оборота переводится придаточным предложением.


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