Реферат: Cultural Diversity Essay Research Paper Respect for

Cultural Diversity Essay, Research Paper

Respect for cultural diversity must be firmly anchored on a

sense of belonging to a particular group, of knowing and

appreciating one’s own people and culture with its own

wealth and diversity, of feeling secure in the knowledge that

the culture is not inferior to others. Multiculturalism can only

be aided by transformation. This can only work if there are

enough opportunities and support systems to develop and

produce our own programs, combined with intensive

efforts to redirect and to influence our leaders.

Even as our lifestyles grow more similar, there are

unmistakable signs of a trend against uniformity with a

desire to assert the uniqueness of one’s culture and

language. As our lives become more homogeneous our

lifestyles begin to cling to deeper values, such as religion,

language, art and literature. As our outer words grow more

similar we will increasingly treasure the traditions that spring

from with in.

While globalisation has certain positive benefits such as

information sharing, improved understanding and

communication, and hence greater empowerment. Africa in

particular, continues to be confronted by negative

consequences of the abuse of power, it’s dominance of the

strong over the weak.

On the other hand business interests, trying to maximise

profits, cannot be expected to worry about cultural values

or social objectives beyond the consumerist vector that

underwrites commercial media. If we value a cultural

dimesion beyond the domain of the commodity we must

first establish a new framework for the cultural industries

which recognises this limitation and ensures that quality and

excellence remain criteria for the production of children’s


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