Реферат: England Under Foreign Kings

ngland Under Foreign Kings

The Danes returned again and again to attack England. The Englishpeople had to pay tribute. But the Danes wanted to rule over the country andafter many battles took the crown from the English. They held it fortwenty-four years. Three Danish kings, one after the other, ruled over England.One of these kings — Canute was at the same time king of England, Denmark,Norway and Sweden. The rule of Danish kings over England came to an end soonafter Canute's death in 1035.

Now the Normans began to attack the coasts of England fromNormandy (France). In 1066 the Normans won the victory and William, Duke ofNormandy, was crowned king of England and called William the Conqueror.

The invaders burnt houses and killed people. The land was takenfrom the English and given to the Normans. The invaders spoke French, and itwas the language of the upper classes and the government. English was the languageof the lower classes.

to. role—управлять

the Normans — норманны

a crown—корона




death — смерть

a  duke—герцог

to crown—короновать

a conqueror— завоеватель

to    burn (burnt;     burnt) —жечь

to kill — убивать

upper classes—аристократия

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