Лекция: Рекомендации по выполнению задания № 2

1. Определить общее содержание текста.

2. Бегло просмотреть все утверждения, а затем каждое утверждение после-

довательно,чтобы уточнить суть запрашиваемой информации. Мысленно

сформулировать уточняющие вопросы. Они помогут сконцентрировать вни-

мание на нужных моментах текста, игнорировать избыточную информацию,

определить, есть ли запрашиваемая информация в тексте. Пример утверж-

дения: Сестра одобряет решение брата по поводу летних каникул. ( Сест-

ра или кто-то иной? Одобряет ли? Чье решение? Летних ли каникул? и т.д.)

3. Если в утверждении есть информация ( чаще всего именно уточняющая деталь), которая отсутствует в тексте – это является основанием для выбора ответа “ нет информации”.

4. По мере прочтения текста отмечать все возможные варианты ответа, при-

нимая во внимание уточняющие детали, вопросы, заданные ранее.

5. Обратить особое внимание на задания, где изначально были выбраны несколько возможных вариантов ответа. Читая текст, записывать ключевые

слова, позволяющие обосновать правильность выбора ответа.


Задание № 2. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 — А7

соответствуют содержанию текста ( 1—True ), какие не соответствуют ( 2-- False ) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни

положительного, ни отрицательного ответа ( 3—Not stated ). Обведите номер

выбранного вами ответа.


A1.Mike doesn’t use computer for writing his articles.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A2.He has travelled a lot and visited a lot of different countries.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A3.Mike agrees with the presenter that computer saves time.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A4.Mike spends hoursw online chatting with friends.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A5.The first computers Mike used didn’t work properly.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A6. He has got health problems because of using a computer.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

A7.He prefers a computer on a desert island if it has Internet access.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.


Presenter:Good evening and welcome to the programme. This evening’s guest is

Mike Phillips, a journalist, and we are going to talk about using computers. Mike,

thanks for joining me this evening.

Mike:Good evening. I’m pleased to be here.

Presenter:What do you use the computer for?

Mike:Mainly for word processing (but not writing, which I still do with a pen), keeping track of my life, searching for information from the Internet for writing purposes or for travel. When I travel to a place I don’t know – for example Russia

or Canada – I look at Encarta on CD-Rom, and then I’m going to travel to a place

like Krasnoyarsk, I print off the map of the area where I’m going.

Presenter:Does the computer save time?

Mike:I used to think the PC’s main purpose in our lives was to reduce the time it

took to get things done so that people could enjoy other hobbies – skiing, for example. I don’t think that’s so anymore. We’ve become more intimate with our PCs. Starting with e-mail, we began having online relationships with people we had never heard of or hardly knew. Then, a lot of us bought a PC for home and began using it just for fun. And people started to spend hours online chatting with strangers. The PC is becoming an integral part of our private and professional lives

I should say.

Presenter:How did you start using a PC?

Mike:I hadn’t used computers until 1983. It was a small thing produced here in England, plugged into TV. And it never worked. I packed it in its original box and never used it again. Then I went to work in Hong Kong and bought a pirated IBM

copy. That was a huge thing that didn’t work either, but it was OK as a word pro-

cessor.Then I went to Japan and was given a Macintosh by the company I worked

for. And that was what got me really interested because the Macintosh is very user-


Presenter:Has your life changed since you started using the PC?

Mike:Yes, my eyes have got worse!

Presenter:On a desert island, would you prefer a human or a computer for a com-


Mike: Depends on the human! Forced to choose, I would take the computer, as long as it had a modem and a line to the outside world.

Presenter:I see your point. Thank you for being here today and sharing your opi-

nion with us.


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