Лекция: Mean, imply, denote, signify

MEAN (иметь в виду, намереваться, значить, предназначать): What do you mean to do? I mean to talk to him about it; I meant to ask you; I didn't mean to offend you; she meant no harm; he means well; she means you no good; I never say what I don't mean; I didn't mean it; I mean it; I really mean it; What does this word mean? I don't know what it means; What does it mean? What do you mean? What do you mean by saying that we don't have adequate equipment? What do you mean by «adequate»? they don't know what it means to be hungry (to be poor, to be alone); his words meant nothing to me; your advice (recommendation, praise, help, friendship) means a lot to me; money means everything to him; her remark was meant for you; it was meant as a compliment (as a joke); they were meant for each other.

IMPLY (подразумевать): her answer implies refusal (consent, acceptance, criticism); you seem to imply that I should know the answer; he implied (to them) that he knew more than he had told them; his words imply that he knows about this problem; What does this statement imply? It usually (generally, normally) implies that you can get your money back. It does not necessarily imply that you can get your money back without good reason.

DENOTE (обозначать, значить): A comma denotes a very short pause in a sentence. Percentage is denoted by the symbol %. The detective placed tiny flags on the map to denote the location of the suspects. Tears usually denote pain or grief.

SIGNIFY (означать, показывать): A slash often signifies alternatives, for example, and/or. Ellipsis points signify omission. His work during that period signified a new stage in his career. They signified their approval by clapping their hands.

Note: INTEND (намереваться, предназначать) is a more formal and more resolute synonym of MEAN in these meanings: What do you intend to do? I intend to talk to him about it. She intends to tell them everything. He intends to leave next week. No offense was intended. Her remark was intended for you. This book is intended as a gift for my daughter. The fund is intended for educational purposes.

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